19 برنامج Wireless Hacking Live لاختراق شبكات الوايرلس .. يستخدمه الـ FBI
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رقم العضوية : 1عدد المساهمات : 2514تاريخ التسجيل : 30/08/2009مزاجى : الجنس : العمر : 41 الاوسمة :
موضوع: 19 برنامج Wireless Hacking Live لاختراق شبكات الوايرلس .. يستخدمه الـ FBI الثلاثاء يناير 12, 2010 4:14 am
كن مشاركا لاتقرا وترحل اترك تعليقا
بسم الله ..
Wireless Hacking Live FBI version ISO
اسطوانة بوت لينكس خاصة في اختراق شبكات الوايرلس
بما انّه انا بشبك ع النت من خلال الوايرلس وعندي بالنطاق كم شبكة .. بس كلهم محميات بباسورد .. فمن خلال بحثي بمواقع أجنبيّة لقيت هالبرنامج الرّائع واللي هو عبارة عن اسطوانه .. بهالبرنامج بتقدر تحصل على باسورد الشبكة
البرنامج على حسب كلام صاحب الاسطوانه .. انو بيستخدموه الـFBI
وصف البرنامج + الشرح .. Eng
Wireless Hacking Live - FBI version ISO 635.24 MB Live Cd For Wireless Hacking, Also Used By The FBI This version is for all systems except systems with the Intel B/G wireless cards (IPW2200). - Live CD with all the tools you need to hack a WLAN / wireless Access point - Linux Live-CD - OS runs from CD - 635 mb - .iso - also used by the FBI.
WEP Hacking - The Next Generation WEP is an encryption scheme, based on the RC-4 cipher, that is available on all 802.11a, b and g wireless products. WEP uses a set of bits called a key to scramble information in the data frames as it leaves the access point or client adapter and the scrambled message is then decrypted by the receiver.
Both sides must have the same WEP key, which is usually a total of 64 or 128 bits long. A semi-random 24 bit number called an Initialization Vector (IV), is part of the key, so a 64 bit WEP key actually contains only 40 bits of “strong” encryption while a 128 bit key has 104. The IV is placed in encrypted frame’s header, and is transmitted in plain text.
Traditionally, cracking WEP keys has been a slow and boring process. An attacker would have to capture hundreds of thousands or millions of packets—a process that could take hours or even days, depending on the volume of traffic passing over the wireless network. After enough packets were captured, a WEP crac*ing program such as Aircrac* would be used to find the WEP key.
Fast-forward to last summer, when the first of the latest generation of WEP cracking tools appeared. This current generation uses a combination of statistical techniques focused on unique IVs captured and brute-force dictionary attacks to break 128 bit WEP keys in minutes instead of hours. As Special Agent Bickers noted, “It doesn’t matter if you use 128 bit WEP keys, you are vulnerable!”
WEP is an encryption scheme, based on the RC-4 cipher, that is available on all 802.11a, b and g wireless products. WEP uses a set of bits called a key to scramble information in the data frames as it leaves the access point or client adapter and the scrambled message is then decrypted by the receiver.
Both sides must have the same WEP key, which is usually a total of 64 or 128 bits long. A semi-random 24 bit number called an Initialization Vector (IV), is part of the key, so a 64 bit WEP key actually contains only 40 bits of “strong” encryption while a 128 bit key has 104. The IV is placed in encrypted frame’s header, and is transmitted in plain text. Traditionally, cracking WEP keys has been a slow and boring process. An attacker would have to capture hundreds of thousands or millions of packets a process that could take hours or even days, depending on the volume of traffic passing over the wireless network. After enough packets were captured, a WEP cracking program such as Aircrack would be used to find the WEP key. Fast-forward to last summer, when the first of the latest generation of WEP cracking tools appeared. This current generation uses a combination of statistical techniques focused on unique IVs captured and brute-force dictionary attacks to break 128 bit WEP keys in minutes instead of hours.
Basic Directions:
1)Boot from cd 2)get the wep key 3)write it down 4)reboot into windows 5)connect using wep key.
شرح مختصر بالعربي :
هذه النسخة هي عباره عن نظام في قرص كامل ذاتي الاقلاع مبني على اساس نظام اللينوكس ..
طريقة التشغيل : بعد تنزيل النسخة ال iso ذات الحجم 635 ميجا بايت .. وتحويلها الي الوضع الصحيح بنسخها وجعلها ذاتية الاقلاع باحد انظمة النسخ مثل النيرو اوغيره ..
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وابحث عن الشبكة ثم اختار الهدف سيتم تحديد سلسلة ارقام الباسورد ثم قم بكتابتها في ورقة الان انهى هذا النظام وأخرج الـ CD ثم ابدأ نظام الويندوز
ابحث عن نفس الشبكة ثم ضع ارقام الباسورد اللي كتبتها على الورقة وتمتّع بتصفح مجاني
علي حسب قول العارض ان النظام يدعم غالبية انواع wireless cards ما عدىكروت ال Intel B/G IPW2200
ملحوظة النسخة تستخدم من خبراء FBI
روابط التّحميل : الحجم : 635 ميجا .. كل رابط 100 ميجا .. الا الأخير حجمو 35 ميجا